...Get a library card?
Residents are those who live within in the boundaries of the Lenawee District Library (see below for complete list). Residents of the library district or those who own property in the district may get a card free of charge. Patrons must provide proof of residence. Acceptable proof of residence is limited to : Driver’s License or State ID with current address OR Driver’s License or State ID and one of the following : current utility bill, lease agreement, property deed, current tax receipt, or voter registration. A resident library card is good for one years, with an address check occurring yearly.
A business or LLC does not qualify for a patron card, although the owner of any business property within the district would quality under his / her own name. Daycares, schools, and related businesses on the bookmobile route may quality for an institutional card as a bookmobile stop.
Patrons under 18 years of age must have their application signed by a parent or legal guardian. Parent must provide proof of district residence for free card. The person who signs the library card application for a child under the age of 18 years is responsible for any outstanding fines, bills or overdue material on the child's library card.
Those inside our boundaries will receive a free library card upon proof of residency. If those outside the district wish to have a Lenawee District Library card, they will be charged a fee: $15 for six months or $30 for the year.
Is there a fee for the library card?
Depending on where you live within our district boundaries will determine if you are required to pay a fee. Those within our district boundaries receive a free card because their property taxes go towards the millage that supports the library. Those outside of the district will be required to pay a fee. Our price is $15.00 for six months or $30.00 for a year. That fee covers everyone that resides in the household.
How do you determine who is in the district?
We use a website called Census Reporter that helps us find where addresses fall in the boundary. We first check the "county subdivision" and then the "School District (Unified)". Those in the following county subdivisions are considered a part of the district and receive a free card:
Adrian Township (except those in Tecumseh Public Schools)
Cambridge Township
Clayton Village
Deerfield Township
Dover Township (except those in Hudson Public Schools)
Fairfield Township
Franklin Township (except those in Tecumseh Public Schools)
Macon Township (except those in Tecumseh Public Schools)
Madison Township
Palmyra Township (except those in Blissfield Community Schools)
Raisin Township (except those in Tecumseh Public Schools)
Ridgeway Township (except those in Tecumseh Public Schools)
Rollin Township (except those in Hudson Area Schools)
Rome Township
Seneca Township (Sand Creek Schools only)
Tecumseh Township (except those in Tecumseh Public Schools)
Woodstock Township
Can I apply for a library card online?
No. Because we require proof of residency (and sometimes payment for membership), patrons are not allowed to apply online.
What if I do not wish to check out items but only use the Internet?
For those wanting to only use the Internet, we offer free "Internet Only" cards. You can get one of these cards even if you do not live within the district.